Mediation is a confidential process where the mediator helps facilitate a conversation between parties in an effort to narrow or resolved disputed issues. Parties and attorneys frequently benefit from having a neutral third party involved to both facilitate the conversation and to also propose potential settlement ideas. Sessions may be joint but frequently involved the party's meeting in separate rooms during negotiations to ensure confidentiality and safety. Mediation may lead to a full agreement or to it may just narrow the issues to be resolved either through additional e mediation sessions, court or through the parties or their counsel. Agreements reached at mediation are not binding until both parties and counsel, if represented, sign a binding mediation agreement waiving confidentiality. Both Dan and Traci have been trained as Qualified Rule 114 Neutrals for many years and are available to provide mediation services.
Child Inclusive Mediation is a unique opportunity to bring the voice of the child(ren) into the mediation process without their physical presence. The process involves engaging a Child Specialist/Consultant who interviews both the parents and child(ren) prior to the mediation session.
Child Inclusive Mediation is a confidential process where neither information shared from the child(ren), impressions of the Child Specialist/Consultant, nor the ensuing negotiations are admissible in court. Furthermore, the child(ren) have control over what information is shared with the parents during mediation. Child Specialists/Consultants are highly trained and experienced with interviewing children and correlation with the mediation process. The purpose of the interview is to provide the parents insight into the child(ren)'s own experiences living between two households as well as other issues unique to their age and stage of development. The Child Specialist/Consultant effectively keep kids out of the middle without asking their direct input on the legal or parenting issues in dispute.
After meeting with the parents and child(ren), the Child Specialist/Consultant will provide feedback to the parents and the mediator at the mediation session and make appropriate recommendations based on information provided from the child(ren). The feedback session is highly effective as they communicate the impressions of the child(ren) which ultimately help the parents make decisions that are focused on the best interest of their child(ren). Both Dan and Traci provide mediation services for Child Inclusive Mediation.